14 July 2021
The ITA reports that a sample it collected from Mr. Askhat Dilmukhamedov during an out-of-competition testing mission on 17 June 2021 carried out in Turkey on behalf of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) for the prohibited steroids of methasterone and oxymetholone. The athlete was qualified to participate in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
The ITA carried out the abovementioned doping control under IOC’s extended testing authority, which allows the ITA to conduct pre-Games testing during the two months leading up to the Games. This extended testing authority is being applied for the first time in the history of the Games. Its purpose is to allow the ITA to directly conduct targeted doping controls in parallel with the globally implemented pre-Games anti-doping program1 in order to provide the broadest possible coverage of doping controls for potentially high-risk athletes and to close testing gaps. This is the first apparent ADRV resulting from a targeted doping control carried out by the ITA during this newly extended testing authority.
The athlete has been notified of the case and has been provisionally suspended by UWW until the resolution of the matter. He has the right to request the analysis of the B-sample.
Pursuant to the IOC’s and UWW’s delegation of their respective anti-doping program to the ITA, the prosecution of the case is being handled entirely by the ITA. Given that the case is underway, there will be no further comments during the ongoing proceeding.
1: The Tokyo 2020 pre-Games anti-doping program is a coordinated effort among all anti-doping organisations worldwide and is led by the ITA Pre-Games Expert Group. This group is an international pool of experts responsible for reviewing available information on athletes who are likely to compete in the Games, conducting a comprehensive risk assessment on the basis of this information and sharing the resulting testing recommendations with other anti-doping organisations to ensure that potential gaps are closed, and that effective testing is conducted globally through a coordinated effort.