2 March 2022
The ITA reports that it has asserted ADRVs against the following Russian weightlifters under Article 2.2 (Use or Attempted Use by an Athlete of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method) of the IWF Anti-Doping Rules (IWF ADR) –
The assertions are based on investigations conducted by WADA’s Intelligence and Investigation Department (WADA I&I) and by Professor Richard McLaren into allegations of systemic doping practices in Russian sport as well as Moscow Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) data retrieved by WADA I&I over time. The evidence was provided by WADA I&I to the ITA in 2021 for further assessment. In particular, these investigations uncovered LIMS data indicative of the presence of banned substances in samples provided by the athletes in 2012 and 2013.
The athletes have been informed of the cases and have been provisionally suspended until the resolution of the matter. Pursuant to the IWF’s delegation of its anti-doping program to the ITA, the prosecution of the cases is being handled entirely by the ITA. Given that the cases are underway, there will be no further comments during the ongoing proceeding.
The ITA further reports that it has successfully prosecuted weightlifter Feliks Khalibekov based on WADA I&I Investigation and LIMS data. The ITA asserted ADRVs against Mr Khalibekov under Article 2.2 – Use of Prohibited Substances/Prohibited Method in October 2020. After the conclusion of the Results Management process, the matters were referred by the ITA to the IWF Hearing Panel for adjudication.
On 27 December 2021, the IWF Hearing Panel issued a decision imposing a period of Ineligibility of 2 years1 from 7 October 2020 to 7 October 2022 and disqualification of all competitive results from 21 June 2012 to 21 June 2016.
During the period of Ineligibility, as per Article 10.14 of the IWF Anti-Doping Rules, the athlete cannot participate in any capacity in any competition or any other activity either at the international or national level organized by any signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code.
1: Mr Khalibekov prompted admitted to the ADRV and thus received a reduced sanction under the IWF ADR.