22 January 2025
Domien Michiels provided a sample during an in-competition anti-doping control on 3 August 2024 in Paris, France, conducted by the ITA under the testing authority and results management authority of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The sample was analysed by the WADA-accredited laboratory of Paris which reported an adverse analytical finding1 for the specified prohibited substance dorzolamide.
Dorzolamide is listed under class S5. diuretics and masking agents according to the Prohibited List of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and is banned at all times. However, the topical ophthalmic administration (direct application to the eyes) of dorzolamide is considered as a permitted route and does not amount to an ADRV. All other routes of administration of dorzolamide (such as oral, topical, transdermal etc) constitute an ADRV.
Mr. Michiels was not subject to a mandatory provisional suspension since the prohibited substance detected in his sample was a specified substance2. Accordingly, pursuant to the ITA’s Public Disclosure Policy with regards to Anti-Doping Rule Violations the case was not publicly reported pending the conclusion of its results management.
Over the course of the proceedings, the athlete was able to establish that dorzolamide entered his body inadvertently when he administered eye drops containing dorzolamide to his dog to treat the dog’s illness. Considering that dorzolamide did not enter the athlete’s system through topical ophthalmic route exclusively and in light of the principle of “strict liability”, the presence of dorzolamide in his sample constitutes an ADRV.
The athlete was however able to establish that he bore “No Fault or Negligence”3 for the ADRV. The only consequence of his ADRV under the IOC Anti-Doping Rules applicable to the Olympic Games Paris 2024 is the disqualification of the athlete’s individual competitive results at the Dressage Team Grand Prix event on 3 August 2024 at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The results of the Belgium Team in the Dressage Team Grand Prix on 3 August 2024 are not to be disqualified.
The athlete accepted the disqualification of his results, and the matter is considered as concluded from the perspective of the IOC. Considering the finding of “No Fault or Negligence”, which provides that there is no period of ineligibility to serve, there are no further consequences under the FEI Anti-Doping Rules for human athletes.
Relevant Anti-Doping Organisations, such as WADA and the Athlete’s National Anti-Doping Organisation, have a right of appeal against the ITA’s decision.
There will be no further comments on this case.
1 A report from a WADA-accredited laboratory that, consistent with the International Standard for Laboratories, establishes in a Sample the presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers or evidence of the Use of a Prohibited Method.
2 A provisional suspension is not mandatory when an adverse analytical finding is reported for a specified substance such as dorzolamide (in contrast to non-specified substances).
3 No Fault or Negligence is defined as “The Athlete or other Person’s establishing that he or she did not know or suspect, and could not reasonably have known or suspected even with the exercise of utmost caution, that he or she had Used or been administered the Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method or otherwise violated an anti-doping rule”