In the past years, Anti-Doping Rule Violations have been increasingly uncovered on the basis of intelligence processes and investigations. The ITA fosters a synergetic relationship between testing, science & medical, legal and intelligence. Our Intelligence & Investigations (I&I) Department also collaborates closely with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs), International Federations (IFs), external investigative services, law enforcement and other public authorities at national and international level (e.g. Interpol).
In the framework of our growing collaborative network with relevant organisations all over the world, our I&I team fosters an information exchange network that enables to uncover suspicious developments across many disciplines and countries. Reveal, ITA’s whistleblowing platform, offers a simple and trustworthy solution for any individual in the sports world to report behaviour that goes against the principle of clean sport. It is hosted on a highly secure platform that allows anonymous information sharing.