12 March 2025
The ADRVs are based on investigations conducted by WADA’s Intelligence and Investigations Department (WADA I&I) and by Professor Richard McLaren into allegations of systemic doping practices in Russian sport between the years 2011 and 2015 as well as Moscow Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) data retrieved by WADA I&I over time. The evidence was provided by WADA I&I to the ITA for further assessment. In particular, these investigations led to the following findings:
Elizaveta Dolzhikova provided a sample in November 2014 containing the prohibited substance tuaminoheptane (a specified stimulant), but this positive result was covered up by the Moscow laboratory. The same was uncovered for Yuliya Volkova; the athlete provided a sample in November 2014 where the prohibited substance furosemide (a diuretic and masking agent) was detected, but this was not reported by the laboratory.
After being notified of the case and informed of their procedural rights, neither athlete challenged the ADRV. The ITA issued a sanctioning decision ¹ imposing on each athlete a period of ineligibility of two years – 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 and disqualification of competitive results from 19 November 2014 (for Yuliya Volkova) and 20 November 2014 (for Elizaveta Dolzhikova) to the start of the ineligibility period (1 November 2024).
Parties with a right of appeal may challenge the decisions before the appeal division of CAS in accordance with article 13.2.3 of the WT ADR.
The ITA will not comment further on this case.